The gazette is a Premium wordpress theme made for Wordpress blogs by am currently using this Theme in my Wordpress blog and Its pretty good So I have Converted this The Gazette Edition into blogger Theme for The Blogger Users.Hope you will love this Template.Look at the demo and instructions below and decide how is the Theme.
Features Of this Template
- This template is a three columned.
- This Template has got 3 perfect areas for placing ads.
- This Template has got auto read more feature on Home page,labels page and archive pages.
- This template has got two perfect menus above and below the header.
- This Template has got Content slider widget on Front page.
- This Template has got the 5 tabbed menu that shows your Popular posts,Recent posts,recent comments,Tags and Subscription widget.
- This Template is absolutely free to download from here.
- and many more…
1. Top above header Menu Customization.
The customize the Top above header placed above your blog header,Find The following code in the Template and Edit it with your own Link and Titles.
2. Header Logo Customization
If you like to use the header logo in your blog same as The gazette Edition Theme default You need to edit Logo.psd file which comes inside the templates pack with the Photoshop software Or You can too Download it from here.
3. Below Header Menu Customization
To edit this Below Header Menu you need to find the following block of codes in your Template and need to replace it with your own after you use this Template.
5. Content Slider Configuration
If you like to show your recent or Featured posts in the content slider you have to edit the following block of codes in your Blogger Template otherwise you can hide it too.
6. Read the Full Story Link Configuration
You just dont need to do anything to create expandable posts or read the full story link in your blog.Just garb a Cup of tea and enjoy drinking it.We have already installed the code that will count the first 430 characters in your blog and show them before read the full story Link and remaining in the post page.
7. “This post was written by” box Configuration
To edit this section search for the following block of codes in your Template by expanding the widget contents and write about yourself in short there.Sorry I am unable to create that box automatic which shows about the post author itself.If I got time and made it then i will surely add this feature to this Template.
8. Placing managed 125×125 ad blocks on sidebar
To keep the ads on the sidebar of your blog in a managed way like in the theme,Add the code in your sidebar by add a new page element –> Html/javascript in the same way below.
This template is absolutely free to download from here.To download right click the Download button below and then click Save link as.